1. Abortion: The ethical debate surrounding the right to access safe and legal abortions and the rights of the fetus.
2. Euthanasia: The controversy over assisted suicide and the right to die with dignity, often raising questions about autonomy and the sanctity of life.
3. Stem Cell Research: The moral concerns surrounding the use and destruction of human embryos for scientific research.
4. Organ Transplants: The ethical issues surrounding the allocation of scarce resources and the criteria for determining who receives organ transplants.
5. Genetic Testing and Manipulation: The controversies surrounding genetic testing, gene therapy, and the potential for creating “designer babies” or genetic discrimination.
6. Vaccinations: The debate over mandatory vaccinations, individual rights versus public health concerns, and the ethical responsibility to protect vulnerable populations.
7. End-of-Life Care: The ethical dilemmas faced in determining patient wishes, advance directives, and withholding or withdrawing life-sustaining treatments.
8. Medical Research Ethics: The controversies surrounding informed consent in research studies, the use of placebos, and the ethics of conducting clinical trials in vulnerable populations.
9. Health Insurance and Access to Care: The debates over healthcare affordability, the responsibility to provide care to all individuals, and the ethics of for-profit healthcare systems.
10. Confidentiality and Privacy: The ethical issues related to the protection of patient privacy and the use of electronic health records, data sharing, and medical confidentiality.
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